This clinic date was rescheduled due to a rain cancellation. For this week’s clinic riders will meet at 8th and Blanca 5:45pm 6:00pm start
Level 2 clinics will focus on a progression of all basic group cycling skills focusing on more advanced skills and techniques. Includes: riding safely in a single and double pacelines, rotating pacelines, improving your riding efficiency, keeping the pace, mirco-adjusting techniques, and gaining control in taking corners. If your goal this year is to pick it up a notch or ride a few fondos Level 2 is for you. Become more confident riding more efficiently in group situations.
All clinics are lead by our WOWride Domestiques with a National Coaching Certifcation Program (NCCP) accreditation.
Sign up for these clinics here Open to members and non-members.
Route TBD