Twilight Thursday Ride

UBC Ride and or Hill Repeats Yipee!

North Shore Riders: Hard Start at 6pm.   Meet at Starbucks Park Royal South (near Home Depot).  -  Pippa will be your leader. Meet at Spanish Bank parking lot (last parking lot before the Spanish Bank hill).  Hard start 6pm.  Riders will be divided by ability and pace.  Hour long ride. Stronger Together - Have […]

Twilight Thursday Ride

UBC Ride and or Hill Repeats Yipee!

Meet at Spanish Bank parking lot (last parking lot before the Spanish Bank hill).  Hard start 6pm.  Riders will be divided by ability and pace.  Hour long ride. Stronger Together - Have Fun!

Sweet Sunday Ride – Deep Cove

All Riders Meet 8:30am- Starbucks at Park Royal Village (South) near Home Depot. If you are coming from the West side and have not been over the Lions Gate Bridge via bike, please consider driving to Starbucks. Scotiabank Half Marathon takes place this Sunday. Lots of road closures around UBC, Marine Drive, Beach Avenue.

Twilight Thursday Ride

North Shore Riders: Meet at 6pm at the Starbucks near Home Depot in the Park Royal Village South. Due to summer holidays our Domestiques may not be available. Befriend your fellow members and ride with care. West Side Riders: Meet at 6pm at the last parking lot at Spanish Banks. Stronger Together!

Sweet Sunday Ride

North Shore Riders and West Side Riders meet together at Cuppa Joy at 730am upper parking lot at 4th and Alma. Rides will be divided based on ability, experience and distance preferred. UBC loops, Iona Beach or Steveston. Please review "How to ride in a Group Paceline" on our page. Stronger Together!

Twilight Thursday Ride

Due to the summer holidays our Domestiques may not be available to lead our rides. Befriend your fellow riders, discuss a route, ride together, be safe and have fun. North Shore Riders: No leader this week. Riders can still meet at 6pm at the Starbucks near Home Depot in the Park Royal Village South. West […]

Twilight Thursday Ride

Due to the summer holidays our Domestiques may not be available to lead our rides. Befriend your fellow riders, discuss a route, ride together, be safe and have fun. North Shore Riders: Riders meet at 6:30pm at the Starbucks near Home Depot in the Park Royal Village South. West Side Riders: Meet at 6:30pm at […]

Spanish Banks 630pm 0r Cypress Climb 6pm

West Side Riders: Meet at 6:30pm at the last parking lot at Spanish Banks. CYPRESS CLIMB - meet at Mulgrave School, Cypress Bowl Raod. Please confirm at **Please note: Cypress Climb will be cancelled if we have low numbers). Stronger Together!

Deep Cove with Deb OR Whistler with Willa

West Side riders meet Deb at 730am at the upper parking lot at Cuppa Joy (4th and Alma). North Shore riders meet 815am at the Park Royal South Starbucks, Deb will join you there. Please confirm at ************************ Or Ride with Willa to Callahan in Whistler meet at 8am at the Huskey Station Please […]

Twilight Thursday Ride

Due to the summer holidays our Domestiques may not be available to lead our rides. Befriend your fellow riders, discuss a route, ride together, be safe and have fun. North Shore Riders: Riders meet at 6:30pm at the Starbucks near Home Depot in the Park Royal Village South. West Side Riders: Meet at 6:30pm at […]

Twilight Thursday Ride- Cancelled

Due to the summer holidays our Domestiques may not be available to lead our rides. Befriend your fellow riders, discuss a route, ride together, be safe and have fun. North Shore Riders: Riders meet at 6:30pm at the Starbucks near Home Depot in the Park Royal Village South. West Side Riders: Meet at 6:30pm at […]

Sweet Sunday Ride

North Shore riders - meet at Park Royal Village South Starbucks - 730am hard start. Head to Cuppa Joy, 4th and Alma in Kits to hook up with other riders. West Side riders meet at Cuppa Joy Upper Parking lot at 4th and Alma (enter parking lot from Alma, just south of 4th Avenue) - […]

Sweet Sunday Ride

North Shore riders - meet at Park Royal Village South Starbucks - 730am hard start. Head to Stanley Park meeting point for 8am. West Side riders meet at Cuppa Joy Upper Parking lot at 4th and Alma (enter parking lot from Alma, just south of 4th Avenue) - 730am hard start. Riders will rendezvous at […]

Estates and Wills – Harper Grey LLP

Join us on a seminar with Harper Grey LLP to talk about Wills and Estates - An evening to learn together and have some fun!

First Sweet Sunday Ride – Flats

49th Parallel Cafe 2198 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Riders meet at 49th Parallel, 2198 4th Avenue in Kits - 8:30am hard start Let's dust off our bikes and roll out for our first Sweet Sunday ride of the season. See the route here.  Join and follow WOWride on Strava. Riders will be divided based on ability, experience and distance preferred. Please click on […]

Thursday Night Threshold Ride

Spanish Banks Last Parking Lot

Riders meet Spanish Banks west (last parking lot) 6:00 pm hard start. Threshold is just another word for pushing your comfort zone. So whether you're learning a new skill, improving on another or pushing yourself physically, nudging your threshold and challenging yourself is always a good thing. Thursday night rides in April will focus on refining your bike handling […]

Sweet Sunday Ride – Climbing

49th Parallel Cafe 2198 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Riders meet at 49th Parallel, 2198 4th Avenue in Kits - 8:30am hard start Let's go over the ingredients that can make or break a successful climb. See the route here.  Join and follow WOWride on Strava. Riders will be divided based on ability, experience and distance preferred. Routes Subject to change. Please click on […]

Thursday Night Threshold Ride – Plus NS Ride

Spanish Banks Last Parking Lot

Riders meet Spanish Banks west (last parking lot) 6:00 pm hard start. North Shore rides meet at Starbuck's, 901 Park Royal South - 6:00 pm hard start. (depending on numbers) Threshold is just another word for pushing your comfort zone. So whether you're learning a new skill, improving on another or pushing yourself physically, nudging your comfort […]

Domestique NCCP Level 1 Road Training

Langley Centennial Museum & Exhibition Centre 9135 King St, Langley, BC, Canada

This is a closed private training session for WOWride Domestiques only. However, members of WOWride Cycling Club will benefit from the skills and knowledge learned through Cycling BC and Richard Woosley as well as Lesley Tomlinson. #StrongerTogether

Sweet Sunday Ride – Descending & or Iona

49th Parallel Cafe 2198 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Riders meet at 49th Parallel, 2198 4th Avenue in Kits - 8:30am hard start. See the route here. (Please note we meet at 49th Parallel on Sundays) Due to weather, routes are subject to change. For those who want a little more, the faster group will head out for a 60km ride to Iona. See that route […]

Domestique NCCP Level 1 Road Training

Langley Centennial Museum & Exhibition Centre 9135 King St, Langley, BC, Canada

This is a closed private training session for WOWride Domestiques only. However, members of WOWride Cycling Club will benefit from the skills and knowledge learned through Cycling BC and Richard Woosley.. #StrongerTogether

Sweet Sunday Ride – Deep Cove (Note new meeting place)

49th Parallel Cafe 2198 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Riders meet at Creekside Community Centre, 1 Athlete's Way, Vancouver - 8:30am hard start. First of May! We know what that means.... The BMO Marathon. Let's get away from UBC and SW Marine and head to Deep Cove for a 37 km. We'll go over 2nd Narrows Bridge both ways. NOTE!!! New meeting place for this […]

Sweet Sunday Ride – Mother’s Day Ride (SPLoops)

49th Parallel Cafe 2198 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Riders meet at 49th Parallel, 2198 4th Avenue in Kits - 8:30am hard start. Take a couple hours for yourself and some like-minded women to join our relaxed ride to Stanley Park. We'll do 2 or 3 laps and have you back in time for brunch in bed. Check out the route here. Riders will […]

Thursday Night Threshold Ride (North Shore)

Starbuck's 901 Park Royal South, West Vancouver, BC, Canada

Riders meet at Starbuck's, 901 Park Royal South, 6pm hard start. Threshold is just another word for pushing your comfort zone. So whether you're learning a new skill, improving on another or pushing yourself physically, nudging your comfort zone and challenging yourself is always a good thing. Routes TDB. Riders will be divided based on […]

Thursday Night Threshold Ride

29th and Camosun (across from St. George's School)

Riders meet at Spanish Banks west parking lot, 6pm hard start. Threshold is just another word for pushing your comfort zone. So whether you're learning a new skill, improving on another or pushing yourself physically, nudging your comfort zone and challenging yourself is always a good thing. Routes TDB. Riders will be divided based on […]

Sweet Sunday Ride – Deep Cove

49th Parallel Cafe 2198 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Riders meet at 49th Parallel, 2198 4th Avenue in Kits - 8:30am hard start. Did someone say North Shore? Let's ride over both bridges to and from Deep Cove. Click this link to see the route on Strava. Riders will be divided based on ability, experience and distance preferred. Please click on this link to […]

Thursday Night Threshold Ride

Last Parking Lot @Spanish Banks

Riders will meet at Spanish Banks west parking lot - 6:00 pm hard start. North Shore riders meet at Starbuck's, 901 Park Royal South - 6:00 pm hard start. Threshold is just another word for pushing your comfort zone. So whether you're learning a new skill, improving on another or pushing yourself physically, nudging your comfort zone and […]

Thursday Night Threshold Ride

Last Parking Lot @Spanish Banks

Riders meet at Spanish Banks west parking lot - 6:00 pm hard start. Threshold is just another word for pushing your comfort zone. So whether you're learning a new skill, improving on another or pushing yourself physically, nudging your comfort zone and challenging yourself is always a good thing. Routes TDB. Riders will be divided based on ability, experience […]

Thursday Night Threshold Ride

Spanish Banks Last Parking Lot

Riders meet Spanish Banks west (last parking lot) 6:00 pm hard start. Threshold is just another word for pushing your comfort zone. So whether you're learning a new skill, improving on another or pushing yourself physically, nudging your comfort zone and challenging yourself is always a good thing. Route TDB. Riders will be divided based on ability, […]

6th Annual Rotary Ride for Rescue

Tim Jones Memorial Cypress Mountain Hill Climb. Are you looking for the chance to climb Cypress without the pressure of a race? Come be part of the WOWride team and give back to this worthy cause. Click here for more details. Click here to join the WOWride team.

Thursday Night Threshold Ride

Spanish Banks Last Parking Lot

Riders meet Spanish Banks west (last parking lot) 6:00 pm hard start. North Shore riders meet at Starbuck's, 901 Park Royal South - 6:00 pm hard start. Threshold is just another word for pushing your comfort zone. So whether you're learning a new skill, improving on another or pushing yourself physically, nudging your comfort zone and challenging […]

Victoria Gran Fondo

This 250 km ride is limited to 100 riders to sign up early. Click here for details.

Sweet Sunday Ride – Father’s Day Ride-CANCELLED

49th Parallel Cafe 2198 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Riders meet at 49th Parallel, 2198 4th Avenue in Kits - 7:30am hard start. We know its Father's Day, so traditionally we rip off 2,3,4.... SPLoops and then head home to give your husband or dad the rest of the day off. Check out the route here. (Stay tuned for North Shore ride options) Riders will be divided […]